
What is most important in all that Darwin missed in his evolution theory?

What is most important in all that Darwin missed in his evolution theory may be the evolution of consciousness or soul. A sentient being in this universe may be the combination of a material being (like organism being) of this universe and a consciousness being which is somehow relatively independent to this universe.  When an organism being combined with a consciousness being, the organism being is just like an AI vessel of the consciousness being. Yes, a bug may be like a pair of shoes for its consciousness, a sardine may be like a bike, a dog/rabbit may be like a car, and an earth human may be like an airplane, and there may be some spaceship or even UFOs out there, who knows? The more advanced your vessel is, your consciousness can reach higher level through this vessel, just like - you can go 10km/hr by walk, 20km/hr by bike, 100km/hr by car, 1000km/hr by airplane, 10^5km/hr by spaceship, 10^Xkm/hr by UFO, Right? And also, more advanced you vessel is, more knowledge and rules ...

Why do we come to this universe?

I've thought about this question for a long time in recent two years and I've wanted to share my thoughts with you guys about this for a period already.  As I guess, most nascent souls outside this universe may not have a clear and meaningful and positive purpose to live for, so they cannot evolve to higher level to generate more powerful, creative and complex consciousness and civilization. In this universe, a soul can be guided by the desires/needs from its body and also by the feelings from each other and environment, some of which are clear, meaningful, positive and intense, and some of which may guide souls to develop to higher level with more complex&positive relationships and more powerful capabilities. Someday in future, the desires/needs and feelings from this universe may guide you to such a level that you will find your own clear and meaningful and positive purpose, although I don't think it's someday in near future for this humanity. And especially I don...

oknomad has come

My old blog in China is: My old weibo in China is: I will repost my past posts on my old previous blogs to another account here later.  But in this account I'd like to post only new ones from now on. Recently, I've got and written some guesses of mine which I'd like to share. But I have to say it again here that I just have information, knowledge and memories of this life just as most others, so I believe that: some of my guesses may include everlasting truth, and some may be not  100% accurate, and some may be wrong.  But I hope that my guesses as a whole could be positive and helpful to this world, hopefully not only in something like 1000 years.   OK, whatever, my guesses may provide some more angles for you to see world and life, right?